Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life is a great big awesome party.

Well everyone.... I think it's time for a blog update. Seeing as I suck at this. I'm sorry that I currently have a busy and productive life to all of those who read this. Soooo... a current update on my life and such.

I am in the most perfect relationship ever. Bill is seriously the best boyfriend in the universe. I love him so much. I'm so glad that he is in my life. It's sad that he lives in Provo though. So I only get to see him about once during the week and then the weekends. It's hard but it's worth it.[:
He recently took me to see footloose even though he really didn't want to see it. But he still took me just because he knew it would make me happy. He so great. He also bought us tickets to go to the new Leonardo museum that just opened in Salt Lake and tickets to the play My Fair Lady which is one of my favorites! ♥

I am working at Clearfield Aquatics Center once again lifeguarding. It can be boring at times and I wish that I had more hours.. But it's fun working with some of my old swim team/high school friends. I am also team coaching the Clearfield High School's swim team. It's super fun and I love it! I find it very exciting teaching kids how to swim and work together as a team. I never thought that I would be coaching but I'm glad that I am. It's a great experience and I am loving it.
So there is an update on my life and such.

This weather is absolutely amazing. I am loving the chilly weather and wearing my winter clothes. Warm clothes are my absolute favorite. I love wearing leggings, scarfs, sweaters, and winter hats!

The new Radical Face cd just came out this month and I love it. They have seriously on my top five favorite musicians. So check them out. I'm sure that you may love them too.
The new She & Him Christmas album comes out in a few weeks! Can I just tell you that this and the Sufjan Stevens Christmas album will be playing everywhere I go from the day after Thanksgiving until the end of Christmas. Just so you all know.
I also just discovered a musician, Rachel Goodrich. Her stuff is totally out there and awesome.

Well this is all I currently have to update you with. I am sorry if it is not long enough or whatever. But just know that sometimes I suck at writing things about my life... So please forgive me.
Love you long time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wanderer Emily

Well Blog followers it's been awhile. I sincerely apologize, but I've been busy. You know how I do. Well things have changed since last writing to you all. I'm currently not in school right now. Just because I suck, and need some time just working for things that I want right now. Such as an apartment and a vehicle. I wish that I could just stick to something and frackin finish it. But my crazy unusual ways won't let me. Maybe I was made to just be a wanderer (which actually makes a ton of sense) for the rest of my life, and I may just be okay with that. Who knows, I'll probably change the way I feel about that in a few months or so. Oh well...
I have a boyfriend now. Which is totally awesome, he rocks at life and treats me so great. Seriously. His name is Bill. He's tall, dark, extremely handsome, and he is the best ever.
So now you know why it's been awhile since I've actually written.
Well here are a few things that I currently love a ton. And here's a list to make it look better. (Plus I really love lists)♥
1. This new band that I magically found. They are called Matthew and the Atlas. And they are definetly my current favorite. Check them out and love them like I do.
2. New Toms. I really want some. So if you loves me... You would buy me some.
3.My Brother coming home in a month. It's ridiculous that he will be home so soon. It doesn't seem like it's been a year at all. But I am way excited to see him again.
4.Art. Nuff said. Now that I'm not in school I have more time to do it. Yes.
5.Summer concerts. They are honestly my favorite in the entire world. Nothing beats live music in the summer time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Vespa....How I love you.

If you love me... Please buy me this exact Vespa. Thanks.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Time and Stuff

Bon Fires
Midnight Movies
Staying up all night
Me being weirder than normal
Walking my dog
The Killers
Twilight Concert Series
Harry Potter
Aw Yeah.. It's Summer time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some really old/kind of newer but still old Art.

So I have had a quite a few people bug me about posting some of my art. I think that it would be a good idea if I started doing so. I don't really like doing it. But I guess being an artist I have to actually show people what you do. So I should start doing so. So here are really terrible pictures and some okay scans of some of my stuff.

Some prints I did for a show. Titled "In Control"

Chuck Close. This is a terrible picture of the original. But it's subtractive charcoal


Woodblock Print

Intaglio Print

Mono Print

Calligraphy Pen and Ink

Mono Print

Intaglio Print

Mono Print
There you go.
The End.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My life as of today.

Things that I currently Love and Need.

Seahorses and fish. If someone would please buy me one of these, I would love them forever. I am in desperate need of some fish company as of right now.

A desk. Since I am in school right now. I only currently have my bed to do all of my studying. Which totally sucks. Looks like I am going to be investing in a new desk pretty soon.

A Vacation. I NEED a vacation really bad right now. Anywhere to get myself of this terrible state called Utah. But if I had to choose I want to go backpack across Europe for a few months. Anyone want to join?

The Body Exhibit in Idaho. I never got the chance to go when it was in Utah, and I really really want to go. Stuff like this fascinates me so so much. I love learning about this stuff.

Medical Terminology. I cannot seriously get enough of this class.

Grey's Anatomy and Dexter. I love you so much. Give me some new episodes soon please.

The End.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This week has been very eventful.
Are you kidding?? My life couldn't be anymore boring.. Trust me. But I guess according to my friend.. People actually read my blog. Which actually comes to a complete and total surprise. So here goes my rambling on about pointless information on my life. ha ha Just kidding I know you all want to hear the juicy details about the deep, dark secrets in my head, so here it goes.
This week at work was freaking nuts. First off, I am sick. And trust me when I say that every child hates me when I am sick. Because I yell more than normal and give them a look that turns, even the toughest kid, to sheer terror. I feel bad sometimes.. But then again they were the ones who started it. ha ha
A five year old boy the other day yelled at another kid and made him cry. So I started yelling. And when I was done, after a few minutes of silence, another boy says to me... "Miss Mugleston... You sound like a man when you yell at us." Thank you. Thank you so much. I swear it was the best compliment I have ever received. Not. ha ha
My weekend was very good actually. I went to the Manti Temple and I loved it! I love going to the temple.
I also found the soundtrack of my life recently. No really, I have found the "if my life were put to music, this is what it would sound like". The band is called Radical Face. And they are amazing. You can tell they would be awesome, just by the name. So go and check them out... Right. Now.
I am also currently on book four of the Wheel of Time series. And it's freakin blowing my mind away. I don't think that I will ever be able to stop reading. It's that good.
So that is currently a quick update on my life. Nothing new or exciting.
Also a quick shout out to this weather we are having... I love you. Just so you know. I cannot wait to start wearing shorts and sandals.
Goodbye all.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Well... I am cutting my hair tomorrow. It's been awhile since I have done this. So hopefully it turns out way awesome. I can't decide if I am keeping it long or hacking it off. I loved short hair, but I think that I really want to see if I could pull off the long hair again. Ugh, I can be very indecisive. Which sometimes really sucks. Oh well, I will just have to deal with it and so will you. Not that you care about how I do my hair.
I'll post a picture tomorrow.
I have band practice as well tomorrow. I really want this band to go somewhere at least play one show and record something. If anyone knows of some people who sings, or plays an instrument, or can do both, in the Davis County area. Let me know. Because we need one more person in our band I think.
Well this is a short post. At least I posted something.
Loves you all.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A look back, and onto new and better things.

Yes Everyone.. I am a bit late on my New Years post.
A look back to what the year 2010 was for me.
That year was a roller coster of a year.. Getting a Divorce was not something I was planning when I first got married. But unfortunately it happened. It was really rough to get out of the situation I was in. But when I finally did my life has never been better. It has only been a few months but looking back, I don't know how I would have made it in years to come if I was still married. Honestly, you have no idea how bad it was. But I got the courage, who knows where, to kick him out. I moved back in with my family in Syracuse, and got a good job for myself. And although my life is not where I want it to be yet, I'm getting there. And I have never been happier. Thanks to my Family, for all the love and support and just being there when I need it the most. My Friends, You know who you are. For keeping my mind busy on things like Wheel of Time and other Nerd stuff. And my Ward, for their love and support.
A look to the future of 2011.
There is a lot I want out of 2011. I know I hate setting goals at the beginning of the year, just like everyone else. But oh well...
So first off, I am getting into a school. Who knows where, most likely Weber, or what I will be doing with School.. But I will be going back to school no matter what.
Second, getting back into shape. Because I have wanted this to happen for a long long time.
Third, finding a Singles Ward to go to.. Ugh. I don't want to do this, but I need some more friends around this area. ha ha
And so on and so on..
Go and listen to some good music.
I'm going to do a survey because I have not done one in a long time.
Deal with it.
Emily Renee Mugleston



What color is your hair
It's Red. Fools.

What color is your eyes

Single or In a relationship
Single, finally!

In Love
With Lan, from the Wheel of Time. ha ha

Fav Food

Never. Smoking is very bad for you, okay?


What is your fav color

Cause it's awesome.

Who is your best friend
Mason, we a BFFF's that's right. BFFF's.

What are you scared of
That freaky chick from the Grudge

What do you hate the most
Having nothing to do.

Have you ever talked about someone

Have you ever got in a fight
I'm alllll talk. But secretly I'm anti-violence.

Do you hate someone right now
ha ha Yeah. You all know who.

Are you shy or the opposite
It depends on who I'm talking to.

What's your favorite name for a girl?

What's your favorite name for a boy?

Do you like coke or pepsi?
They taste the same but Coke

Have you read Twilight?

What does your car smell like?
Like a Car.

Have you ever eaten a marshmallow burnt?
Yes, and I don't like it.

Do you have a gerbil?

Are you afraid of airplanes?
Love them. But I wish they would crash and I would wind up on the Island.

What gives you goosebumps?
Scary Movies, Nails on a Chalkboard, and the Cold.

Whose your favorite character on TV?
Charlie from Lost, or Peter from Fringe. I can never decide.

Why did you take this survey?
Because I felt like it.

Do you like ice cream?
Sometimes... But it has to be completely frozen. And not melty, I can't eat it when some of it's melted. It's a thing...

Have you been to an arcade before?
O Yeah.

What is your favorite song?
It changes, but right now it's Blood Bank by Bon Iver.

What is your least favorite movie?
Hans Brinker. Worst Movie ever made by Mankind.

When do you think the world will end?
2012, duh.

Do you think cheesy jokes are funny?
No, they are dumb. ha ha

Do you like texting or calling?
I prefer texting.

Have you ever online dated?

Whose the last person you hugged?
I think that it was my Sister.

Do you believe Wikipedia is always right?
Wikipedia is always right.

Do you like bulldogs?
Bulldog puppies.

Have you ever eaten a corndog?
Love them.

What's your favorite article of clothing?
Victoria Secret sweatshirt.

Do you like classical music?
Love it.

Is your grandma still alive?
Both of them.

What's your favorite video on Youtube?
I don't watch that much on Youtube.

Do you have a friend named Buddy?
The Elf.

Why are people weird?

What's your pets middle name?
Who give a pet a middle name?

Have you ever dated 2 people at one time?

Have you ever sniffed someones hair secretly?
ha! All the time... But shush... It's a secret.

Do you have a T.V in your room?

How long can you go without electronics?

What are your siblings names?
Andy, Becky, Steven

Are you bored right now?
Almost always.

What do you love to dream about?
Mostly Nerdy stuff, I once had a dream I was a Bounty Hunter and it was awesome.

Are you answering these questions with false answers or true?

Don't Judge Me.
Happy New Years.