Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Wheel of Time.

Let me just tell you... I H A T E this week. You have no idea. Which is terrible because Christmas is this week. And I love Christmas. It's mostly just because of my job, sometimes I really hate my job. Take for instant these next two weeks, Nine hour days.. No breaks.. and really crazy kids excited for Christmas. I love children, don't get me wrong. They are adorable, but I kinda can't take it this week. I might just go crazy or burst into tears one of the two, maybe even both.
Hopefully the next couple of days will get better. (But it probably won't) I just need something to do. It's tough to do anything because everyone is gone or doing things for the holidays. If you want to hang.. Call me. Because I am doing absolutely nothing. My divorce was supposed to be finalized last Wednesday after waiting 90 days. You have no idea how thrilled I was. But when I got there I found out that I have to wait another seven to ten days for the judge to sign the papers. NOT HAPPY. Oh well I guess I can't do anything to change that. But I'm just ready for it to be all over and I don't have to carry that around anymore. I'm sorry this post sucks at life. I'll try to be more positive because lately it just seems I usually post stuff like this.
On a better note. I'm reading a really awesome book series called the Wheel of Time. Thank you Jason and Mason for convincing me that I have to read it. It's pretty awesome. So go check it out if you are looking for something to blow your mind away. Well I love you all.

Have a Merry Christmas and Peace out.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

D A Y 5: The Girl You Lost to Cocaine

Day 5... A song that reminds you of someone. Sia - The girl you lost to cocaine. You will know who when listening to this song. All except the cocaine part. Love this song. Just so you all know. Tomorrow is the big day. My divorce is finalized.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Four: Eisley-Ambulance

DayFour: A song that makes me sad. Is without a doubt Ambulance by Eisley. Just listen to the lyrics, it's a sad song. But I love Eisley they are one of my favorite bands. They are so adorable

Day Three. (a few days late) Paramore: Ignorance

Ugh don't hate me, few followers I have. I have not posted day three of my music challenge and it's been a few days. So I apologize. But a song that makes me happy... I really don't know. I think that I'll have to go with anything by Paramore. If ever I'm feeling down or angry. I just sing as loud as possible to anything by Hailey Williams and I'll feel better. Loves her. And I totally want her hair color.