So this weekend has been really good. Lots has happened, and lots is to come.
Friday I met with some peeps and had a fabulous time at the mates of state concert! I heart them so much. Although they are not my all time favorite band, They are way fun to see! And they are so adorable together. It was a blast and I had a fun time.
On Saturday, my Dad and I drove to Idaho and went to My Aunt Barbra's Father's Funeral. Although I never met him, He was a great man and will be dearly missed. The Funeral was very nice. And that one day he and his family will be reunited again. I haven't seen my extended family in quite sometime, and it was nice to see them again while we were there.
Today we had stake conference and can I just tell you, I love stake conference. I really do love it. My spirit always seems to lift at the end. I also saw two of the girls that I teach at the end! They are so stinking cute! I really really do love teaching! It's so so fun, and couldn't ask for a better job. I am so lucky.
So, some things that I want to accomplish this week..
1. Getting my hair dyed. It is a desperate need of mine.
2. Start a new book.
3. Hang out with my Sam.
4. Go see Scott Pilgrim again, because I really loved that movie.
5. And turn 22. It is true, I will be old this Sunday.

Well I will let you all go.
But have a great day.
Peace out, folks.