We went dress shopping for my little sister Becky for Homecoming. But we ended up not finding any. How sad, hopefully she will find something soon!
But today I want to discuss Zombies. Just because... I love Zombies. You have no idea. I believe that life would be so much more interesting if Zombies actually existed. Do you not agree? If not, shame on you.

I mean take the book Pride & Prejudice for example.. I love the original story. It's pretty much the greatest love story ever. That is my honest opinion. But in the book, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies.. Their lives are so much more interesting! They are constantly thinking on their feet, life would be ten times more exciting if such things existed. It's the truth. Don't deny it. And hopefully I would be one of the lucky survivors. Because.. Who knows what real zombies are actually like to tell you the truth. There are so many different variations, from fast to slow zombies.. But hey. That was my random thought of the day.

Now this is the day I FEAR.
Later Days.