Just so you all know, December 15 everything will be finalized and finished.
Let the healing begin! I will finally be able to get my life back on track. And start pulling the old me back together again. Thank you again for all of your love and support. It means a lot, once again.
Job wise I am really ready for the weekend. You have no idea. I broke the schools vans twice in one week!! Not a very good thing to do, to leave little kids stranded especially the group that I bus.. They are a bit hyper. But I loves them. They are all so adorable. Tomorrow I am doing mentos and soda. They are all so so excited! I hope it goes well. They are really excited. But then here comes the weekend. I am so glad that it will be weekend time. I am dying my hair and sleeping. I am so exhausted I might die. Well probably not, but I'm just sayin.. I'm super exhausted.
Have a great week folks.