Well this weekend was a blast. Not gonna lie. I had lots and lots of fun. I decided to throw a un-official birthday party. So a few of my really great friends came. Sam, Mason, Andrew, Andri, Megan, and her husband. We did a bonfire in the backyard.. Decided to watch Alice in Wonderland... And then Sam, Mason, and Andrew decided to take me to Denny's at like midnight for dessert because I didn't have a cake or anything for them since it was my birthday and all. ha ha We had a pretty rad waitress, she was pretty awesome I vote all waiters and waitresses should be just like her. ha ha But it was a way fun night. I'm glad to have such awesome friends. Really they are the best. Just to let you know. So today I woke up on my birthday and my mom really isn't feeling well at all.. So she asked for me to teach her lesson in Young Womens. Just fyi I have never taught a lesson in church.... EVER. But overall it went pretty well for my first lesson! After church my Dad, Steven, and I went over to a family in our ward for a mission farewell. They had this really huge tree in their backyard full of green nuts. We kept asking everyone what kind of nut it was because we had never seen them before, but no one seemed to know. So we decided to pick one and crack it open. It was a nut but a bit soft to be a nut so we didn't really know what it was... Well it smelt like a lettuce leaf. And I really wanted to try it.. People, you should know I am very curious. But everyone was telling me not to do it. Because it could be poisonous. But it didn't look like it could be. I'm pretty sure that whoever planted it didn't want some random poisonousness nut tree in their backyard just for fun. So I waited a bit to get my courage up.. And tried the nut. For future reference... Don't EVER try a random nut you know nothing about! I think it was probably the sickest thing I have ever tasted in my ENTIRE life time. Trust Me. It was super bitter and tasted like tar. It was sick. Well when we came home we had dinner, Carbonara (my all-time favorite), Cheesecake, and opened presents. I got some clothes including a Victoria Secret hoodie and sweat pants, a hat(because I always wear hats) and some Toms! They are my first ever pair and I love them! But I have to go exchange for a different size. Because I heard that they stretch a half size. But it was a really good Birthday! Thanks everyone! So that about sums up my weekend! Live Long and Prosper!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Just so you know.. I have found a deep love for Mumford & Sons. So if you don't know who I am talking about... Please Listen to them. They are epic. That is all I have on my mind.. And I am trying to get into Nursing School. We'll see how that goes. Wish me luck. Peace.
Exhausted is all I can say for today. Even though I had most of the day off. I know.. How lazy can I be. (I can be pretty lazy in fact.) But deal with it. It was good to have a day off because I work from 8:30-6 everyday. Which can really suck on some days. But a few things that I want to discuss. 1. I really have been changing what I want to do career-wise and today I want to be a ER nurse. I think it would be a way awesome job. I really really do. One day I'll figure out what I want to do and be in my life. Today though, it's ER nurse. 2. My birthday is coming up. And for those of you reading. Please buy me one of the following.. A pair a tan leather riding looking boots that come to my knee, a pair of Toms, and a Victoria Secret hoodie for the up coming weather. Thanks! 3. I need to find a cure for how exhausted I have been these past couple of days. If you know of anything that will cure this, let me know. I really need something because I am constantly wanting to just fall asleep! ha ha 4. I really can't wait until my hair is dyed. I need a change to it, and since I am trying to grow it out I can't really cut it. So it needs to be dyed. It's going to be a brighter copper color. Not Hailey Williams Red or anything. But more copper. 5. I wish that I had more time in a day. Honestly... With my job, wanting to get back in school, and being the Committee Artist for our wards Back to Bethlehem Christmas Party... I never have enough time in one day. So I apologize if you have been trying to contact me and I don't respond. So these are my thoughts of the day. Just so you all know. ha ha I will leave you with one of my favorite songs by my favorite musician. Because I love it so. And I think she is amazing. I want her hair.
Yay, blog time! So this weekend has been really good. Lots has happened, and lots is to come. Friday I met with some peeps and had a fabulous time at the mates of state concert! I heart them so much. Although they are not my all time favorite band, They are way fun to see! And they are so adorable together. It was a blast and I had a fun time. On Saturday, my Dad and I drove to Idaho and went to My Aunt Barbra's Father's Funeral. Although I never met him, He was a great man and will be dearly missed. The Funeral was very nice. And that one day he and his family will be reunited again. I haven't seen my extended family in quite sometime, and it was nice to see them again while we were there. Today we had stake conference and can I just tell you, I love stake conference. I really do love it. My spirit always seems to lift at the end. I also saw two of the girls that I teach at the end! They are so stinking cute! I really really do love teaching! It's so so fun, and couldn't ask for a better job. I am so lucky. So, some things that I want to accomplish this week..
1. Getting my hair dyed. It is a desperate need of mine. 2. Start a new book. 3. Hang out with my Sam. 4. Go see Scott Pilgrim again, because I really loved that movie. 5. And turn 22. It is true, I will be old this Sunday.
Well I will let you all go. But have a great day. Peace out, folks.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wow, what a week. Just so you all know, December 15 everything will be finalized and finished. Let the healing begin! I will finally be able to get my life back on track. And start pulling the old me back together again. Thank you again for all of your love and support. It means a lot, once again. Job wise I am really ready for the weekend. You have no idea. I broke the schools vans twice in one week!! Not a very good thing to do, to leave little kids stranded especially the group that I bus.. They are a bit hyper. But I loves them. They are all so adorable. Tomorrow I am doing mentos and soda. They are all so so excited! I hope it goes well. They are really excited. But then here comes the weekend. I am so glad that it will be weekend time. I am dying my hair and sleeping. I am so exhausted I might die. Well probably not, but I'm just sayin.. I'm super exhausted. Have a great week folks.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I would just like to say... I HATE when I listen to a really epic song, and then can't find it.... Anywhere. Because they don't tell you who it is, or what the song title is. This has happened to me many times. Like right now. And I just have to vent on how bugged I get. You have no idea. The End.
So I'm sorry that I am breaking my promise of a post everyday. But get over it. (Sorry I'm a jerk, for those who don't know.) But I think that I am going to start taking a picture everyday of something that is about me. Not necessarily of me, because I'm not a narcissist. But it's kinda like a picture that describes me or what I did that day. So this post is going to be short cause I didn't do ANYTHING this weekend. Please, find me something to do. If you are bored, call me. I honestly don't do anything most days. Me & Sam at the She & Him concert. It was pretty epic.
Stay Fabulous.
Friday, September 10, 2010
So this week turned out a lot better than I had expected it too. Tomorrow is a day that I'm not too particularly excited about. But it needs to be taken care of sooner than later. Once again, I would just like to say how grateful I am for all of the support I get from everyone. You have no idea how blessed I feel. You guys mean a ton to me. I am so glad that I have you all in my life. Today was such a great day. Nothing can bring me down. While being a preschool teacher, I also get the privilege to go downstairs to the daycare afterwards to teach the after school Art class to the older kids. We also do a Science project every Friday. Let me tell you, they loved it today. I usually have about ten kids a day for the after school project. Today I had about twenty. We made Volcanoes, I made them the night before with paper mache and then they got to paint them and watch them explode today. I have never seen kids so excited probably in my entire life. I don't know what else I could do to top today off. I'm thinking mentos and Soda next Friday? I'm sure they will like that! I love the kids I teach, I learn so much from them and they seriously make my day, everyday! So this week I started Piano Lessons once again! It's crazy to see how much I have forgotten in such a short period of time. I never learned fingering, and that is something that, I guess, I really really need to work on. But I'm excited to be taking again, seeing as I play in Relief Society now! So I kinda really need to learn again. But it's fun. My teacher is great! Well I will let you go for the day, my blog followers. Please wish me luck with tomorrow, because I am going to need it. Trust me. One day I will own one of these. It's not a lie. See Ya.
Well so far I have really not been a fan of this week. But this always makes me happy. So I am going to leave you with my favorite quote from my favorite movie.
Monday, September 6, 2010
So today was a day just like any other day. We went dress shopping for my little sister Becky for Homecoming. But we ended up not finding any. How sad, hopefully she will find something soon! But today I want to discuss Zombies. Just because... I love Zombies. You have no idea. I believe that life would be so much more interesting if Zombies actually existed. Do you not agree? If not, shame on you.
I mean take the book Pride & Prejudice for example.. I love the original story. It's pretty much the greatest love story ever. That is my honest opinion. But in the book, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies.. Their lives are so much more interesting! They are constantly thinking on their feet, life would be ten times more exciting if such things existed. It's the truth. Don't deny it. And hopefully I would be one of the lucky survivors. Because.. Who knows what real zombies are actually like to tell you the truth. There are so many different variations, from fast to slow zombies.. But hey. That was my random thought of the day.
So.. I'm going to start Blogging everyday. But I'm pretty bad at it. So we will see. This blog is going to be about everything. My random random thoughts, pictures that I love, just about how awesome I am. You know, stuff about my life.
This post is going to be a catch up of everything that has been going on in my life. Things that people know about me, some that people have no idea about. So here we go...
I am currently living in Syracuse. And I love it, you have no idea how much happier my life has been these past couple of months. Syracuse is the bomb. I'm living at home with my family, I love them so much and am so grateful for all the things that they have done for me. These past couple have months have been such a change. But trust me when I say a change for the better.
I have gone from working at dead-end job after dead-end job. To now working as a Preschool Teacher at Bravo Arts Academy teaching the sweetest, most adorable kids Art, and Music. To be completely honest, I didn't believe that I was going to get this job. When I went in for the interview it was with about 25 other people, most older and way more experienced than I am. They also said about 1,000 people have applied for the job. So on the way home I was surprised when she called offering me a job! It is a lot different than having a job like my job at Smiths or at the pool. I actually have to deal with lesson plans every night, worrying about the kids in my classes, and having work outside of work. But I love it, and am glad that I actually have a career started. I have 40 students and work with 5 other teachers. It is such a great job.
I am so glad that my life is going in the direction that I finally want it to, and I won't change it for the world! I love all of the support that I have gotten from my Family, and Friends (over what has been going on) for those of you who know what I am talking about. They mean so much to me. I am so glad for everyone that is in my life. You have no idea.
So a few random facts about me:
I am constantly thinking about living in a different country. I love love love visiting new and different places other than the United States. Ireland, Italy, Greece, you name it. One day I will either live there or visit.
My dream car is either a 1968 buick skylark, or a 1967 Chevy Impala. Classic cars, don't ask me why. But I want one so bad.
Three things that you will most likely find me doing.. Listening to music, art, or reading a good book. Oh I lied, one more thing, watching television. I know.. My life is lame. But hey, deal with it.
I am the most random person you will know. I like to draw people, listen to folky music, break out in dance wherever I am, say whatever is on my mind no matter what subject is being discussed, never do my hair, be a jerk, wear hoodies in 90 degree weather, stare off into space. But you will come to love me, once you get to know me.
I am super sarcastic, so don't get offended too easily around me.
So that is a few things about me. These post won't always be so serious. Most days it will be a post about a random subject I'd like to discuss with you, a picture that I am in love with, a song I'd like to share. You know, the usual, if you have any questions. Just leave me a comment, text me, whatever, I'd love to answer. Let me leave you with a picture that I love.