Are you kidding?? My life couldn't be anymore boring.. Trust me. But I guess according to my friend.. People actually read my blog. Which actually comes to a complete and total surprise. So here goes my rambling on about pointless information on my life. ha ha Just kidding I know you all want to hear the juicy details about the deep, dark secrets in my head, so here it goes.
This week at work was freaking nuts. First off, I am sick. And trust me when I say that every child hates me when I am sick. Because I yell more than normal and give them a look that turns, even the toughest kid, to sheer terror. I feel bad sometimes.. But then again they were the ones who started it. ha ha
A five year old boy the other day yelled at another kid and made him cry. So I started yelling. And when I was done, after a few minutes of silence, another boy says to me... "Miss Mugleston... You sound like a man when you yell at us." Thank you. Thank you so much. I swear it was the best compliment I have ever received. Not. ha ha
My weekend was very good actually. I went to the Manti Temple and I loved it! I love going to the temple.
I also found the soundtrack of my life recently. No really, I have found the "if my life were put to music, this is what it would sound like". The band is called Radical Face. And they are amazing. You can tell they would be awesome, just by the name. So go and check them out... Right. Now.
I am also currently on book four of the Wheel of Time series. And it's freakin blowing my mind away. I don't think that I will ever be able to stop reading. It's that good.
So that is currently a quick update on my life. Nothing new or exciting.
Also a quick shout out to this weather we are having... I love you. Just so you know. I cannot wait to start wearing shorts and sandals.
Goodbye all.