Hopefully the next couple of days will get better. (But it probably won't) I just need something to do. It's tough to do anything because everyone is gone or doing things for the holidays. If you want to hang.. Call me. Because I am doing absolutely nothing. My divorce was supposed to be finalized last Wednesday after waiting 90 days. You have no idea how thrilled I was. But when I got there I found out that I have to wait another seven to ten days for the judge to sign the papers. NOT HAPPY. Oh well I guess I can't do anything to change that. But I'm just ready for it to be all over and I don't have to carry that around anymore. I'm sorry this post sucks at life. I'll try to be more positive because lately it just seems I usually post stuff like this.
On a better note. I'm reading a really awesome book series called the Wheel of Time. Thank you Jason and Mason for convincing me that I have to read it. It's pretty awesome. So go check it out if you are looking for something to blow your mind away. Well I love you all.

Have a Merry Christmas and Peace out.