I am also enrolled in a class at the DATC wahoo! ha ha I know it's nothing fancy or anything, but I am just excited to finally be in school once again. I have really really missed it. Even if I am just taking a two month class at a tech school. It will be good to get some knowledge in this brain of mine instead of just working all of the time. I have decided to go into nursing, which is also pretty exciting for me. I have unfortunately decided that teaching is no longer what I really want to do with my career anymore even if I was only teaching preschool. But hey at least I found that out now instead of later. That's right.
Well this last week was pretty fun. I always enjoy hanging out with my friends. They are pretty awesome. Mason, Jason, and I saw the movie Due Date. It was freaking hilarious, I highly recommend it if you are in for a good laugh. And Sam and I went with Mason to his work event party which was pretty fancy. It had a red carpet and everything. I know, fancy right?
Well this week Scott Pilgrim vs. the World comes out on DVD. If you haven't watched the movie yet, shame on you. It's pretty great, so go and buy it like me on Tuesday and watch it already. I lesbians that movie. Also one of my favorite bands is coming in concert, which I am pretty excited for, Eisley. I really love them. So I'm excited to go to that. And my sister's play is this week. The high school is doing Rodgers and hammerstein version of Cinderella. My sister will be Cinderella in the play. And it really is perfect for her first lead. She is so excited and she is going to do fabulous! So if you want to come and see it it's this Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and the following Monday.
My Sister and I will also be starting a band! We are really excited about this, especially me because I've been wanting to start a band for a really really long time and now it's actually happening. So far we have Becky doing the Vocals, me on the keyboard, Spencer Hunsicker on the guitar, and Jason Moffat as well the everything else until we find a drummer and a bass player so that he can be the other guitarist. But it's going to be epic, that's all I know. If you are looking to be in a band please let me know we are trying to find some people local so that band practice can be easier to plan but someone that is really committed to making some awesome music with us. We are thinking of some pretty, folk, dreamy music, nothing too hard rock or pop. So if you are really interested just let me know.
Well that is all I have for you today. Sorry it has been forever and a day since I have written to you but hey, deal with it.
Just so you know, I've been in love with tights lately. Mostly these two and floral pattern tights. So if you love me and want to buy me something to show your love for me... Buy me a pair of tights like these.

Love you all.